Friday, February 28, 2014

Obama sells out Public Education; Hires Ted Mitchell, founder of NewSchools Venture.

Another "I am calling ALL of US out" moment:

"Obama Picks Leader of Privatization Movement to be #2 in U.S. Department of Education."

I have to continue to call out those who hide under the veil of the Democratic Party; how is this, in any way, shape or form, whats right for our Education system?  We are going to sit quietly, and let someone who we voted for, to continue to ignore our progressive ideology? We are we going to say enough? If you are a politician who will sit quietly and allow this, you are part of the problem, you are a part of the Oligarchy...and its time you remember who elected you, and its time we remind you.

"The cost of K–12 public schooling in the United States comes to well over $500 billion per year. So, how much influence could anyone in the private sector exert by controlling just a few billion dollars of that immense sum? Decisive influence, it turns out. A few billion dollars in private foundation money, strategically invested every year for a decade, has sufficed to define the national debate on education; sustain a crusade for a set of mostly ill-conceived reforms; and determine public policy at the local, state, and national levels. In the domain of venture philanthropy—where donors decide what social transformation they want to engineer and then design and fund projects to implement their vision—investing in education yields great bang for the buck." - Joanne Barkan - Winter 2011

Maybe we should just stop feeding their purses for awhile. Im so tired of getting emails from Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats that ask for money so they can defeat this or that...and nothing happens. Are you not tired of this yourself?  No more excuses that this is because of Congress, actions like this, is because of the person who, WE, elected.

No more money to any #Democrat, #Liberal and/or #Progressive Groups looking to help any #Politician directly.

QUIT selling out #Americans for your #Corporations and your wallets. QUIT selling out our Children and their future, for your childs future.

Its time to vote all of them out. Its time we push NEW Democratic Leaders to center stage; remove those that have "LOST" their way; just like the #TeaParty did to the #GOP.

Its time we get money out of Politics and Washington once and for all; this is the only way to restore Democracy; perhaps its time for a Constitutional Amendment

#PublicEducation #CharterSchools #PresidentBarackObama #ObamaAdminstration #ObamasellingoutourChildren #ChatervsPublic #AmericanEducationsystem #PrivatizingPublicEducation #Oligarchy #ProgressiveIdeology #USDepartmentofEducation