The Media is running a Motivated Propaganda machine to preprogram us that Hillary is our only and best option in 2016. Its all they talk about, how will she run her campaign, who will be her running mates, what points will she spare with the Right on, if she were to run against Ted Cruz; how would she do it, or Rand Paul? Never any mention about any other possible Democrat running for office and definitely what talk there was about Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders has sort of become that whisper on the internet. Where is the hype that Warren and Sanders, or better yet, a Warren and Sanders ticket, would champion in the new age of Progressive Values and Democratic Socialism? A time when Common Sense Values of the Middle Class came to rule.
I won't be as easily pursued by the hype about Hillary and how perfect she will be.
She is a #WARHAWK and a #CorporateElitist. She had a chance to champion Middle Class Values when she was on the Board of #Walmart, instead she remained silent and only, only, vote for one idea. Womens issues, where she still lost.
It is not that that is a bad issue to champion, but nowadays, its time to stop fighting for just one cause. Its time we fight for them all, #EQUALLY. Roll all these great causes from saving spotted owls, regulating#BigOil, to Universal Single Payer Health Care, and everything else in between. So don't praise her for her time there just be cause she worked hard on ONE THING. Thats like saying an employee should get a raise and promotion because all s/he did was pull apart staples on documents, instead of filing them, sorting them, contacting the clients, answering phone calls...or what ever else they are and were supposed to do in that job position.
Mrs. Clinton knew she were she wanted her political career to go and she just choose to remain silent or abstain from votes that might endanger her ability to court Large Campaign Donors.
Are we not holding Scott Walker accountable for his "reversal" on gay rights issues within this state; For being silent when he was once a fierce advocate for Christian values based marriages?
Being silent isn't a way to make things right, or make things go away. All Politicians who do use that approach to career sensitive votes, should be voted out. We vote them in to vote for what we want, not what they and their blood money tells them to vote for. So why are we still allowing that?
Why would we want another President for the United States that believes this is ok? Shouldn't part of her speech and efforts now, be about leading a campaigning for a current bill that would stop Big Money in Politics once and for all? Wouldn't that be a great way to show that you are for the People, for the Middle Class, for the idea that everyone has equal access to rights and freedoms in this Nation?
I think its time we seriously fix our Political Machine. The #TeaParty isn't to far off when they say its broken and all these people who have not voted the way their constituents want them to, should be removed and replaced. Not saying that what and who they are putting in place is better, in fact, I think my comparison to what they believe in that is good, may stop right there.
Hillary Clinton is just another Plutocrat playing in the NEW GLIDED AGE of Robber Barons, and trying to get her castle by the sea.
Here is the link to todays MUST READ ARTICLE: