Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Biggest Traitors to Democracy...

In response to those that say Snowden, and Manning are the worst TRAITOR there are: I think, We, the American People, our the worst Traitors there are...For we have allowed our Democracy to be taken over by those that only serve their interest, the interest of the elite and wealthy.

America, was to be a shinning beacon of hope in a New World...yet here we are, a Country who is a bully... A Country who turns its backs on its poor and homeless and creates hostility to those less fortunate. A Country that fuels suspicion and angst towards one another. A Country that interferes with our Nations at a whim; just for our own Military Industrial complex can sell their toys. A Country that says there is religious freedoms upon its soil; as Christian Values are shoved down the throats of its people. A Country where you are supposed to be free; yet personal lives are more regulated then Wall Street, Oil Companies and Waste Management Services. A Country that believes it has the RIGHT to bomb innocent men, women and children in Sovereign Nations; just to try to kill one 'terrorist.' A Country where there are two sets of law; one for the poor and one for the Affluent. A Country that puts the wealth of the 1% above education, medical care and all those "Christian Values" they shove down OUR throats as they eat caviar as children starve. A Country that has abandoned "We the People for the People..." for an Oligarchy Reich.

SO who is actually harming America and American values and should be looked at as the worst kind of traitor? Bradly Manning? Edward Snowden? - No; it is "We the People," who should be held accountable for being the biggest TRAITORS to Democracy. We have allowed this Country to become a Tyrant to its People, and to the World.

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