Monday, January 20, 2014

Its is not enough to be nice, Mr. Police Officer

With all the #senseless beatings, incarcerations and killings, at the hand of our #Police Departments, here in the United States, its good to see videos likes this one that has gone viral (case point; I am re-posting a re-post).

When I was a kid, growing up in Kalamazoo, Michigan, our neighborhood police officers were great. And we did some really, really #stupidshit. They would chastise us, often when caught. They would even take us back to our parents and chastise them, for letting us do stupid shit; then of course our parents would ground us or beat us. Depending on the severity of course. We could even run around our neighborhoods playing war, with very REALISTIC toy guns, or sticks. We could even throw tomatoes at cars, without the fear of getting shot by our Police. Now days, these things are unrealistic.

Our #Police are trained now to think that everyone is a #Terrorist, #Murderer, or conspiring to do one of those things. And they have become #bullies, and those that were bullies in school, are now wearing badges; and enjoying it.
They are quick to hit, spray, taze, and shoot. And when they are in the wrong, they are acquitted of charges, given pay, and allowed to go back to duty in some cases. They have become Fascist Dictators and they honestly believe that they are todays, real life, #JudgeDredd. Acting as "Judge and Jury" doling out corporal punishment as they see fit.

And we have become silent about this. The recent postings about the #1967MulfordAct, should teach us a lesson, and provide inspiration. Those Young African American Men, in the #BlackPantherParty, were brave enough to confront the tyranny, that plagued their neighborhoods; what we are seeing and talking about now, taking place once again. Yet, we are not using our #2ndAmendment to protect our children, and ourselves now from this. We are only arguing about what that right means and what guns people can carry. And we are doing so, with more passion and energy, then were are trying to stop this Corruption and disregard for our #ConstitutionalRights, that are being suppressed right before our very eyes.

Its time we stop acting scared of #Terrorists in this Country. We deal and shrug off #GangViolence every day, and have done so for decades now. So we are we just now, tolerating this behavior form our Police Forces now all in the name of Protecting our Constitutional Rights from those that would terrorize us?

Police protect the assets of the #Oligarchy with the same tenacity that our Armed Forces protect oil wells. They confiscate our properties in the name of stopping the drug war. They beat us when we protest peacefully; even if its to stand up for #UnionRights and the right to form #Unions; something that is at the very core of their jobs.

So when I see or hear, Police acting like the Officer in this picture, I have to wonder what his integrity will be like when he is told to beat that child, or as he watches another Officer beat that child, for a small stupid shit crime; like tagging his initials on someones garage door. Will he stop another officer from shooting this kid, will he arrest that officer for murder, or will he just turn another blind eye. For we all know Police are taught not to Police themselves, for they are Brothers and Sisters, and they need to stand shoulder to shoulder against the filth, that litter the streets that their Masters own.

I post this to remind us, that this is the way it is supposed to be. We are their employer. They are our employees. We are their brothers and sisters, neighbors, cousins, Aunts and Uncles. They must sow us respect, if they want us to respect them and the badge.

For just like the Police, look at us with jaded eyes, we wear the same lenses when looking at them.