Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Wife's ACA price tag...could cripple my family.

So my wife just signed up for the ACA (#Obamacare); she is now once again covered. However, we will never be able to afford for her to go see a doctor, for any kind of check-up, breast screening, pap smear, headache, hangnail, etc.   The deductible is $6,000.00. The average cost of just going in because of the flu, will keep us in the poor house,just trying to paying off this amount (Unless  the #TrickleDown will finally start to work after 40 yrs). God help us, if she were to get sick only once year...and thats 'sick' to say or have to admit.

The ACA, is NOT the way for America. We need a single payer system; for ALL AMERICANS.

All this Heritage Foundation Plan has done, is to drive more money into a Private 'FOR PROFIT' market. Shareholders are loving the 6,000,000 people who have signed up so far. Their #QuarterlyEarnings statement will be such a sweet surprise (*cough*cough*surprise*cough).

We must push for this system to change. We must elect candidates who will lead the charge on #REALProgressiveIssues. If they bed with the wolf, they must go. If they act anything like Kevin Spacey's character, in the House of Cards, or hint that they do, they must be voted out.

This "MASS" idea that #Privatization is the only MORAL and ETHICAL way for American Citizens, (makes me throw up in the back of my mouth; the fact that we, well some of us, still fall for that idea...pft, #PROPAGANDA. To be fair, I used to puke all the time when arguing against Trickle Down; well that fact that people believe that crap). Time and time again, we have seen the idea that bigger means be and that less means more. When Cable Companies merge, they justify that merger by the fact it will drive down costs. Yet the costs continues to rise and rise. Here is the same thing with this #AffordableCareAct.

I have argued over and over, that we allowed ourselves and our progressive values to be sold out. For some of us, on the LEFT, believe that "something is better then nothing." But that too, is just pure propaganda. Its meant to deflate our #Activism. Its what continues to propel this Country further to the Right, inch by inch. We shouldnt accept a middle grounds, a compromise, on something that we KNOW, WE KNOW, is vital to the Greater Good and the Economy (well at least our bank accounts). The less Americans have to fear sickness, illness, disease and the common cold, the more productive they will be. The more money they will save, and the more money they will have to buy imported technologies that were subsidized by their tax money in the first place.

MEDICINE, and the INSURANCE that one has to have in order to procure the it, should NOT be FOR PROFIT.

PROFIT creates GREED and REAL DEPENDENCY. No Corporation is going to just give away the cure for Cancer, when it drives their profits. For what For Profit Company would look forward to closing its doors; what CEO looks forward to LESS bonuses; what Shareholder wants zero return on their investment?

Its time we fight back. Its time we make this Country, truly worthy, of the title "The Greatest Nation on Earth." For we dont deserve that title, but we do deserve "The Greatest Hypocrites on Earth" award.

Its time we fight, for everything we know whats right. Accept NO COMPROMISE. DONT be BULLIED. DONT believe in their BULLSHIT. DONT accept their PROPAGANDA.

Its time to use our POWER, our REAL POWER, while we still have it. VOTE.  VOTE them ALL OUT.  Start fresh. ONE at a TIME, works, but is very slow, as the momentum of the pendulum continues towards the RIGHT. Every minute we wait, every little election we ignore, keeps that energy moving that way.

I personally want more people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, to lead our Nation. And not the WARHAWKS like Bushs or the Clintons. SO we can end our #Imperialism and focus on our own people first and foremost, and then show the world, what they can accomplish if they follow suit.

Its put up or shut time, America.

#Progressives #ACA #OBAMACARE #PresidentBarackObama Barack Obama #Democrats #Socialists #Moderates #REALChristians #Liberals #Independents #GenerationX #Millennials

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Todays "MUST READ" list, well okay, article.

Ok, its been awhile since I posted something like this on here. Usually I post "to read" lists to my FB page.  But this article is well done and worth the read.

Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost?

How Many Constitutional Freedoms Do We Still Have?

Preface: While a lot of people talk about the loss of our Constitutional liberties, people usually speak in a vague, generalized manner … or focus on only one issue and ignore the rest.
This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right.
First Amendment
The 1st Amendment protects speech, religion, assembly and the press:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
A federal judge found that the law allowing indefinite detention of Americans without due process has a“chilling effect” on free speech. And see this and this." 


A Question for Republicans, Tea Party Patriots, and anyone else who may provide clarification.

"Ok, this is a repost from my personal FB page [and now a re-re-post; from my personal FB page, to this sites Fan page, and now on here]...but I am putting this out there for the Public, for the #GOPRNC Reince Priebus and Co-Chairman Sharon DayRand PaulRush Limbaugh, and one from the Tea Party or Tea Party Patriots...anyone who could speak towards this: 

" is one I need you Republican Friends to explain to me. How is this not Big Government? or Government Overreach? 

Bill Forces People Going Through Divorce To Get A Judge’s Permission Before Having Sex In Own Home

"In divorce, separation, or 209A proceedings involving children and a marital home, the party remaining in the home shall not conduct a dating or sexual relationship within the home until a divorce is final and all financial and custody issues are resolved, unless the express permission is granted by the courts."

I here a lot from the RNC about how horrible this President is; how he is a Tyrant and a Dictator...but yet, I havent seen any bill from the DCCC, or this Administration, or from Democratic Leadership in Congress; that is this intrusive.

Yet, all the "LET ME REGULATE your LIFESTYLE" bills, seem to come from the Right; so please explain this to this not hypocritical from your Party and its elected leaders? Is this NOT the first Government overreach programs that the GOP and Tea Party is fighting against (not advancing)? <--- if that were the case, voting against legislation new or old, that infringes on MY, YOUR Personal rights...I would campaign everyday for Tea Party and Republican Leadership.

Yet, that hasnt happened. Deregulating Oversight Agencies seems to be ok, however.

SO again...JUST PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. I am a registered Independent, who leans towards Democratic Socialism; and until more parties enter the fray I have to vote for the lessor of two CONVINCE ME, PLEASE, that I am seeing this all wrong.

And I tend to ignore arguments that are based on the Christian Values Platform; for taking away money from the poor and homeless is not Christ-like, in any shape or form; nor is going to War over and over.

You can respond in an email too; if you just want to keep it between us. Im ok with that. For I really want to understand this logic, and this acceptance that this is ok, but regulating Air, Water and our Food is BAD???"

#DeregulatingtheGovernment #GOPHypocrisy #IsthisHypocritical#DCCC #Democrats #Socialists #Republicans #Hypocrisy#GovernmentOversight #GovernmentOverreach #TeaParty

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Quote of the Century; China once again points out American Hypocrisy on Human Rights.

Quote of the Decade: 

“Acting as the world’s judge of human rights, the U.S. made arbitrary attacks and irresponsible remarks on the human rights situation in almost 200 countries and regions. If the United States wants to be the self-claimed human rights judge of the world, though China and most countries do not agree, it first needs to sweep its own doorsteps. Otherwise, its words will not be heard, let alone trusted, by other countries. The United States always wants to gossip and remark about other countries’ situations, but ignores its own issues. This is a classic double standard.” - Qin Gang, Chinese Foreign Ministry    

This is exactly right. We have to EARN the right to be called the "Greatest Nation on Earth."

Our poverty levels, our infant mortality rates, our horrible education system, energy policies, Oligarchs Plutocracy, Police Brutality, Single payer universal health care and the lack of it, income and tax disparities, anti-science politicians making scientific decisions for the greater good, Corporate Goons control our WatchDogs; EPA, FDA, etc...this list can go on and on and on.

We have to stop this. We have to stop being the Morality Police, if we can not lead by example. When I became a Petty Officer in the Navy, my Gunnery Sergeant congratulated me, and looked me straight in the eyes and whispered those exact words to me, "lead by example," after asking me if I wanted to know the secret of becoming a Great Leader, one that is respect by all his men and women under his command? And thats when he whispered it.  I truly believe thats how one becomes a great leader; locally, regionally, nationally  and even globally, be leading by example.

Right now, our country is on a dangerous course, we are rolling back civil rights, allowing our police to become villains and "legal" thugs, we continue to see the Oligarchy on the LEFT and the RIGHT, protect themselves and their investments through legislation and then tell us their hands are tied when it comes to raising minimum wage, single payer health care, free higher education and responsibly financed grade school education.  And this list can go on and on.

We must demand better out of ourselves and for ourselves. Our blood, sweat and tears are just as valuable as theirs. Though I know they like to pretend that their blood is priceless and god-like, I happen to know for a fact thats not true. I dont think we are asking for to much. When we're just asking for fairness, safe environments and food stocks, water management and energy management, paid vacations, debt forgiveness (if corporations can declare favorable bankruptcy laws anf receive them, why cant we?), a small cabin somewhere on an acre or two, a couple of kids, a dog and a vehicle that runs, is made well, gets good gas mileage and doesnt put us in the poor house when we buy it or when it needs a part.

We want our children to play openly and freely on the streets without worries from gangs or police. We want everyone in our Country to be able to have a hot meal and a hot shower, and a roof over their head. If we can feed a war machine as many calories as they can get away with, why dont we say enough, and spend that same amount of tax payers money here at a home?

Why do we have to be Imperialist and have bases in every part of the world? If we have the greatest Military then that should be enough deterrent to not attack us.  Also, I bet, I just bet, if we stopped by bombing everyone, creating Government Coups d'etes, people would stop hating us; and terrorism threats would go down.

Lets finally stop being that bratty child and not listening to advice given to us by others...lets grow up. Lets listen. Lets pay attention. Lets earn the title of being the "Greatest Country on Earth."

#AmericanHumanRightsViolations #HumanRightsReport #China #America #AmericanHypocrisy #WorldsGreatestNation #ChristianHypocrisy  #ChineseForeignMinistry #QinGang.