So my wife just signed up for the ACA (#Obamacare); she is now once again covered. However, we will never be able to afford for her to go see a doctor, for any kind of check-up, breast screening, pap smear, headache, hangnail, etc. The deductible is $6,000.00. The average cost of just going in because of the flu, will keep us in the poor house,just trying to paying off this amount (Unless the #TrickleDown will finally start to work after 40 yrs). God help us, if she were to get sick only once year...and thats 'sick' to say or have to admit.
The ACA, is NOT the way for America. We need a single payer system; for ALL AMERICANS.
All this Heritage Foundation Plan has done, is to drive more money into a Private 'FOR PROFIT' market. Shareholders are loving the 6,000,000 people who have signed up so far. Their #QuarterlyEarnings statement will be such a sweet surprise (*cough*cough*surprise*cough).
We must push for this system to change. We must elect candidates who will lead the charge on #REALProgressiveIssues. If they bed with the wolf, they must go. If they act anything like Kevin Spacey's character, in the House of Cards, or hint that they do, they must be voted out.
This "MASS" idea that #Privatization is the only MORAL and ETHICAL way for American Citizens, (makes me throw up in the back of my mouth; the fact that we, well some of us, still fall for that idea...pft, #PROPAGANDA. To be fair, I used to puke all the time when arguing against Trickle Down; well that fact that people believe that crap). Time and time again, we have seen the idea that bigger means be and that less means more. When Cable Companies merge, they justify that merger by the fact it will drive down costs. Yet the costs continues to rise and rise. Here is the same thing with this #AffordableCareAct.
I have argued over and over, that we allowed ourselves and our progressive values to be sold out. For some of us, on the LEFT, believe that "something is better then nothing." But that too, is just pure propaganda. Its meant to deflate our #Activism. Its what continues to propel this Country further to the Right, inch by inch. We shouldnt accept a middle grounds, a compromise, on something that we KNOW, WE KNOW, is vital to the Greater Good and the Economy (well at least our bank accounts). The less Americans have to fear sickness, illness, disease and the common cold, the more productive they will be. The more money they will save, and the more money they will have to buy imported technologies that were subsidized by their tax money in the first place.
MEDICINE, and the INSURANCE that one has to have in order to procure the it, should NOT be FOR PROFIT.
PROFIT creates GREED and REAL DEPENDENCY. No Corporation is going to just give away the cure for Cancer, when it drives their profits. For what For Profit Company would look forward to closing its doors; what CEO looks forward to LESS bonuses; what Shareholder wants zero return on their investment?
Its time we fight back. Its time we make this Country, truly worthy, of the title "The Greatest Nation on Earth." For we dont deserve that title, but we do deserve "The Greatest Hypocrites on Earth" award.
Its time we fight, for everything we know whats right. Accept NO COMPROMISE. DONT be BULLIED. DONT believe in their BULLSHIT. DONT accept their PROPAGANDA.
Its time to use our POWER, our REAL POWER, while we still have it. VOTE. VOTE them ALL OUT. Start fresh. ONE at a TIME, works, but is very slow, as the momentum of the pendulum continues towards the RIGHT. Every minute we wait, every little election we ignore, keeps that energy moving that way.
I personally want more people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, to lead our Nation. And not the WARHAWKS like Bushs or the Clintons. SO we can end our #Imperialism and focus on our own people first and foremost, and then show the world, what they can accomplish if they follow suit.
Its put up or shut time, America.
#Progressives #ACA #OBAMACARE #PresidentBarackObama Barack Obama #Democrats #Socialists #Moderates #REALChristians #Liberals #Independents #GenerationX #Millennials