Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Question for Republicans, Tea Party Patriots, and anyone else who may provide clarification.

"Ok, this is a repost from my personal FB page [and now a re-re-post; from my personal FB page, to this sites Fan page, and now on here]...but I am putting this out there for the Public, for the #GOPRNC Reince Priebus and Co-Chairman Sharon DayRand PaulRush Limbaugh, and one from the Tea Party or Tea Party Patriots...anyone who could speak towards this: 

" is one I need you Republican Friends to explain to me. How is this not Big Government? or Government Overreach? 

Bill Forces People Going Through Divorce To Get A Judge’s Permission Before Having Sex In Own Home

"In divorce, separation, or 209A proceedings involving children and a marital home, the party remaining in the home shall not conduct a dating or sexual relationship within the home until a divorce is final and all financial and custody issues are resolved, unless the express permission is granted by the courts."

I here a lot from the RNC about how horrible this President is; how he is a Tyrant and a Dictator...but yet, I havent seen any bill from the DCCC, or this Administration, or from Democratic Leadership in Congress; that is this intrusive.

Yet, all the "LET ME REGULATE your LIFESTYLE" bills, seem to come from the Right; so please explain this to this not hypocritical from your Party and its elected leaders? Is this NOT the first Government overreach programs that the GOP and Tea Party is fighting against (not advancing)? <--- if that were the case, voting against legislation new or old, that infringes on MY, YOUR Personal rights...I would campaign everyday for Tea Party and Republican Leadership.

Yet, that hasnt happened. Deregulating Oversight Agencies seems to be ok, however.

SO again...JUST PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. I am a registered Independent, who leans towards Democratic Socialism; and until more parties enter the fray I have to vote for the lessor of two CONVINCE ME, PLEASE, that I am seeing this all wrong.

And I tend to ignore arguments that are based on the Christian Values Platform; for taking away money from the poor and homeless is not Christ-like, in any shape or form; nor is going to War over and over.

You can respond in an email too; if you just want to keep it between us. Im ok with that. For I really want to understand this logic, and this acceptance that this is ok, but regulating Air, Water and our Food is BAD???"

#DeregulatingtheGovernment #GOPHypocrisy #IsthisHypocritical#DCCC #Democrats #Socialists #Republicans #Hypocrisy#GovernmentOversight #GovernmentOverreach #TeaParty

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