And, worse still, the middle-class isn’t just being flooded; it’s being blindfolded, too – because these wealthy special interest groups often can spend the money anonymously, so voters have no idea who’s behind the endless attack ads that fill the airwaves. Here’s how it works: if you have millions of dollars that you want to spend, you can funnel it through back channels so that it ends up in the hands of a group – typically one with a generic and benign-sounding name – that uses the money to buy ads, often without disclosing the source of its funds.
This whole thing looks to me a lot like money laundering – except that it’s now perfectly legal. And, again, this is real: a study just came out which showed that, in the current election cycle alone, there’s already been over 150,000 ads run by groups that don’t have to disclose the source of their funding.
And get this: things are only getting worse. Earlier this year, in a case called McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court was at it again, recklessly doing away with a law that prohibited people from giving more than $123,000, in the aggregate, directly to candidates in an election cycle. One-hundred-and-twenty-three-thousand-dollars. Who has that kind of money lying around to spend on elections? The super-rich, maybe. But the middle class sure doesn’t. The folks I meet with in Minnesota – who are trying to make ends meet, pay off their student loans, train for a new job, save some money to start a family – they sure don’t. And those are the folks who most need a voice here in Washington.
So the way I see it is this: there are two ways that we can go from here. On the one hand, we can continue to let Citizens United be the law of the land. We can perpetuate the fallacy that corporations have a constitutional right to flood our elections with undisclosed money; we can let deep-pocketed special interests buy influence and access – and then set the agenda for the rest of the country.
Or … Or, we can say, enough is enough. We can restore the law to what it was before Citizens United was decided – and, more to the point, we can restore a voice for millions upon millions of everyday Americans who want nothing more than to see their government represent them." - Senator Al Franken (D-MN) speech on the Senate Floor debating Citizens United.
If this is actually about FREE SPEECH, then we and SCOTUS have completely missed the mark, for SPEECH isn't FREE if we have to PAY for it.
The greed that runs through the very soul of this Nation is now completely out of control. Our Country sits on a very dark and dreary precipice and its up to us to make change. To change the paradigm and make ourselves evolve. For we are seeing drastic reductions in Cvil Rights for the Middle Class and the Working Class Poor; we have Judges that rule in favor of those that are "affluent' even when they kill people. The Militarization of American Police continues at such a pace I can't even keep up. Even the San Diego Public School District just received a new Armored Trucks? And for what, to keep the PEACE?
I could go on and on about this, however, now is the time we must take control of our Nation and once again bring back "[O]ne Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
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