Saturday, June 8, 2013

Fear becomes us; Government response is we cant keep you safe unless we take away.

Talk about a speech to insight FEAR among us. We cant PROTECT you UNLESS we STRIPE you of some of your PERSONAL FREEDOMS...

Im worried how easily we are falling for this line of BS in this country. Terrorism, Terrorists, are part of everyday life in most BIG CITIES in America. But all of a sudden we need to lose freedoms for our Government Agencies to do their jobs efficiently.

Now for those of you who will say or question that people in Big Cities, and in smaller ones and rural America too, are NOT living with Terrorism in their lives everyday...what do you think the GANGs are? They do random acts of violence, hold hostages, sell drugs, blow up cars, shoot innocent people, etc. I think this by definition is terrorism. I havent seen anything out of our Government that would justify listening in on EVERYONE in order to catch a few; or has our CIA, FBI, etc, become inferior and incompetent that they can no longer trace or track those people on known terror lists? I mean we let the 9/11 hijacker have VISA's into our country. They were on WATCH lists. We, our government ALLOWED them into our borders. They were not American citizens trying to do this. So now, all of a sudden we have to listen to everyone to follow just a few...for shame that we find this acceptable.

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