Thursday, June 6, 2013

Where is our wake up call???

Our fear is allowing us to become a Police State. Its sad that they have bred us to fear everything and everyone; through this fear, we line up like sheep and allow these things to happen. Corporate Freedoms are increasing and civil liberties are dying. Our Nation has been through so many adversities without allowing this to happen, so why are we allowing this now?

There have been many acts of terror in our Nation and we didnt allow ourselves to lose so much civil liberties in order to bring about justice on just a few.

We all should be ashamed. And to those of us, on the LEFT, who stand by this Administration, because you fear accountability will allow the RIGHT to seize control once are wrong. If this was the RIGHT doing this, you would be screaming for JUSTICE and for heads to roll. We are supposed to be a party of PROGRESS; this is NOT progress. This is not Social Justice. By allowing this to happen, we are eroding the core fabric of our ideals that we hold dear to us...and our becoming like the Extreme Right.

Our Nation, seems to be facing a moment of 'Dark Ages.' Find your voices once again, take to the streets and protest, write letters to your Congressman/women, cast the first stone....but dont sit by and just let this happen.

Find your Path once again America.

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