Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Mr. Manning, an apology that you deserve.

Dear Mr. Manning,

It is I who would like to apologize to you. Im sorry. I am sorry that more people in America did not have the courage to stand with you and behind you. For these wars were created on lies only to perpetuate our War Machine and the Greed of the 1% and their Cronies. I am sorry that more of us Veterans did not find the courage to do so either. I served in combat during the Persian Gulf War. I am sorry that our politics of interference and destabilization techniques towards Middle Eastern Countries put you and your brother and sisters at harm, yet again, causing you to take this enormous risk to stand behind the the 'real' values that America likes to say she believes in; even though we are a "Do as I say, not as I do" Country.

You stood up for the real values of human life and we turned our backs on you...especially those of us on the Left. For its not so hard to understand why those on the Right fall in tow behind the Puppet Masters. But for those of us on the Left, we should all be ashamed that we did not take to the streets and scream at Washington for the actions that they are involved in, and in your defense.

My apologizes to you, and your family.  Eternally grateful to you and ashamed of what we did not do for you.

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