Friday, August 16, 2013

Lifting the veil on we use credit when we cant afford it?

 My comment to Huffington Posts Article by Mark Gongloff titled Household Debt Is Still Too Damn High.

Without jobs, without good paying jobs, or for those of us that are unemployed, we use what little we can manage to find, to scrap up, or to borrow. Those Americans that are using credit and going farther in debt are people trying feed themselves, their spouses and their children. To keep a roof over their heads, their spouses and their children; the scary part is soon, the credit will stop for those as their balances bloom and interest and interests rates soar...and then what?

So many communities in America suffer under this plague. As they keep all of us Middle Class, Working Class Poor and the Poor at each others throats, fighting over abortions and gun control laws, instead of fighting against the Profiteering Banks, Wall Street and their Cronies on the Left and the Right in our Government.

I hope one day soon, we all will be able to wake up and see thorough the smoke and the wool that has been pulled over our eyes, to change this road we are on...a road to servitude and debtors prisons. I didnt join the Military in my youth for this kind of history and future...this is not the America I grew up believing in.

Perhaps soon the tide will turn and those spirits that have been broken within our fellow men and women, will find the strength to right our wrongs and remove all the money from politics; those that have been bought, those that serve only their greed...”

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