Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Ariticle needs to go VIRAL. I dare any Democrat to dispute this...

First, I want to say with deep humility, I bow down, give out kudos too, applaud, Benny Johnson @ BuzzFeed. This is just brilliant.

I have been jumping up and down, and yelling at the television, the news papers at News Paper Stands, at all my Democrat friends and Associates in Real Life and on FB, the Trolls and the Liberals on HuffPo, about this exact same thing.

Democrats would have had a field day screaming at President Bush, if he did anything like this...well where is your anger now; where are your voices for Social Justice, Civil and Basic Human Rights and dignities; where is your empathy for the innocent?

Democrats screamed for 8 yrs, during the Reign of the Dubya, that Republicans should hold their President accountable for all the Humanitarian violations, broken promises, lies, Covert Ops,, you are silent.  Like Sheep, who just realized why they were in line at the Wool Factory.

This is an ARTISTICALLY, FANTASTIC, POLITICAL COMMENTARY and THIS SHOULD GO VIRAL.  All Parties and those in-between should make this go viral:

Your LOOP HOLES are actually ENTITLEMENTS; it shows in your behavior...

Seems to me, that if the GOP is so adamant that no LOOP HOLES should be touched, as part of any deal with the Obama Administration, and that only ENTITLEMENT programs should be touched, perhaps we need to truly look at the definition and structure given to these terms.  For it appears, to me...that these PRECIOUS LOOPHOLES are ACTALLY, in fact, ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS.

You GOP'ers some how feel that Corporate America and the 1%, are ENTITLED to HAVE these LOOPHOLES.

Whats that old cliche' "if it smells like bullshit, if it looks like bullshit and if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth...then its probably, BULLSHIT." 

I'm so tired of wading threw the propaganda on both sides of the Aisle, here in America, but I am especially tired of this BULLSHIT that the GOP keeps trying to SPOON FEED US.

Trickle Down Economy does not just makes those with the damns get bigger damns, better and cleaner water supply for themselves.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rubio..oh...Rubio; How you shamed him so!

"Not tough enough on Border Security..." - states Rubio, in reply to President Obama's Immigration plan that was leaked.

"The bill calls for an "unspecified increase" (in my experience this usually means "oodles and oodles and oodles"; when the government says it) in the Border Patrol, allows the Department of Homeland Security to expand technological improvements (more then likely...CODE WORDS for DRONES) along the border and adds 140 new immigration judges to process the heavy flow of people who violate immigration laws.

WOW!!! Ya, thats not tough enough...President Obama forgot to put any mention of using landmines and napalm to help secure the Border; much favored by the Extreme

THIS NEXT PART,.... Mr. Rubio, means you can donate a TANK if you want, and they will USE IT! Hows that for not be tough?!  ----> "The draft bill proposes a new plan to allow Homeland Security to "accept donations" from citizens, businesses and local and state governments to improve ports of entry and security features along the border."

WHY NOT...DONATE, all those High Capacity Clips, you and your party loves so much to help secure America? Come on now? You all keep saying we should have a Smaller Government and that Charities can do the rest; so put your money where your mouth this bill, and then give and give, till you bleed, guns and ammo, tanks and helicopters, to the Border Patrol so they can secure America.

to take a look where the info was cited here --->

Thursday, February 14, 2013


"There are district attorneys and United States attorneys out there every day squeezing ordinary citizens on sometimes very thin grounds and taking them to trial in order to make an example, as they put it. I'm really concerned that 'too big to fail' has become 'too big for trial,'" Elizabeth Warren; at her first Bank Committee Hearing. -

I like her spirit. I like what I see from her. I only hope she will actually to some good. I believe she will slowly get engulfed by the biogelatinous glob that controls Washington.

Her question and reasoning is simple. Her statements ring with truth. Average Joe's are made "examples of" by our Judicial System, in every State and County within our Nation, every day. how come those that broke the law are sheltered; this is almost as bad as the Catholic Church being allowed to shelter Child Abusers. How come we are not doing something about this?

Anyhow...Go Elizabeth! You truly are a small candle of hope that sits near the cup of justice.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


"For example, there are other countries that are polluting in the atmosphere much greater than we are at this point -- China, India, all these countries that are still growing. They’re not going to stop doing what they’re doing." - Marc Rubio; in Response to President Obama's SOTU remark on Global Warming.

So what the hell, when in Rome right???


True Leaders, good leaders, tend to inspire by "leading."  Whats the old cliche'? Lead by....lead by... Oh! Example. Thats right, one should LEAD by EXAMPLE.

I personally believe at this point, who cares if it is "Man Made" or "Natural."  Something is happening, and we better stop bickering and prepare ourselves, our Nations, and our infrastructures, to meet whatever it is to come.

To keep ignoring the "BASIC" and "SIMPLE" facts is pathetic.  What are the "simple" and "basic" facts? Here they are: 1) We are in the Hottest and Driest years recorded in History, 2) Storms are growing bigger and fiercer, 3) Summer and winter months seem to be changing.

And if we can do anyhting to stem the tide, then lets do so.  If it means, changing what we pump into the air...then why shouldnt we do that?  Even if it only helps to reduce it by 2%, lets see...insert another old cliche' here....EVERY DROP COUNTS.

Anyhow, the point of the quote is to rant about what a pathetic reason that is, and how pathetic that that kind of leadership is what is popular on the Right.  That "Holier then thou" mentality is just simple Un-American, Weak minded and arrogant. I'm sure our Forefathers are not proud of us.  We, once were the Greatest Nation on Earth, for we led by example, and other Countries looked up at they mock us, point fingers and laugh.

Its time, we change.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quote of the Night; Mark Rubio's Response to the SOTU.

"I don’t oppose your plans because I want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors." --Marco Rubio's GOP response; you know his Neighbors in that Double-Wide Mansion.