Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Ariticle needs to go VIRAL. I dare any Democrat to dispute this...

First, I want to say with deep humility, I bow down, give out kudos too, applaud, Benny Johnson @ BuzzFeed. This is just brilliant.

I have been jumping up and down, and yelling at the television, the news papers at News Paper Stands, at all my Democrat friends and Associates in Real Life and on FB, the Trolls and the Liberals on HuffPo, about this exact same thing.

Democrats would have had a field day screaming at President Bush, if he did anything like this...well where is your anger now; where are your voices for Social Justice, Civil and Basic Human Rights and dignities; where is your empathy for the innocent?

Democrats screamed for 8 yrs, during the Reign of the Dubya, that Republicans should hold their President accountable for all the Humanitarian violations, broken promises, lies, Covert Ops,, you are silent.  Like Sheep, who just realized why they were in line at the Wool Factory.

This is an ARTISTICALLY, FANTASTIC, POLITICAL COMMENTARY and THIS SHOULD GO VIRAL.  All Parties and those in-between should make this go viral:

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