Thursday, February 14, 2013


"There are district attorneys and United States attorneys out there every day squeezing ordinary citizens on sometimes very thin grounds and taking them to trial in order to make an example, as they put it. I'm really concerned that 'too big to fail' has become 'too big for trial,'" Elizabeth Warren; at her first Bank Committee Hearing. -

I like her spirit. I like what I see from her. I only hope she will actually to some good. I believe she will slowly get engulfed by the biogelatinous glob that controls Washington.

Her question and reasoning is simple. Her statements ring with truth. Average Joe's are made "examples of" by our Judicial System, in every State and County within our Nation, every day. how come those that broke the law are sheltered; this is almost as bad as the Catholic Church being allowed to shelter Child Abusers. How come we are not doing something about this?

Anyhow...Go Elizabeth! You truly are a small candle of hope that sits near the cup of justice.

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