Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rubio..oh...Rubio; How you shamed him so!

"Not tough enough on Border Security..." - states Rubio, in reply to President Obama's Immigration plan that was leaked.

"The bill calls for an "unspecified increase" (in my experience this usually means "oodles and oodles and oodles"; when the government says it) in the Border Patrol, allows the Department of Homeland Security to expand technological improvements (more then likely...CODE WORDS for DRONES) along the border and adds 140 new immigration judges to process the heavy flow of people who violate immigration laws.

WOW!!! Ya, thats not tough enough...President Obama forgot to put any mention of using landmines and napalm to help secure the Border; much favored by the Extreme

THIS NEXT PART,.... Mr. Rubio, means you can donate a TANK if you want, and they will USE IT! Hows that for not be tough?!  ----> "The draft bill proposes a new plan to allow Homeland Security to "accept donations" from citizens, businesses and local and state governments to improve ports of entry and security features along the border."

WHY NOT...DONATE, all those High Capacity Clips, you and your party loves so much to help secure America? Come on now? You all keep saying we should have a Smaller Government and that Charities can do the rest; so put your money where your mouth this bill, and then give and give, till you bleed, guns and ammo, tanks and helicopters, to the Border Patrol so they can secure America.

to take a look where the info was cited here --->

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