Friday, March 1, 2013

Find Social (in)Justice on FACEBOOK.

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Become part of the conversation, lets find middle grounds and real solutions. Lets talk about the problems we face today, yesterday and tomorrow; here at home, and overseas. 

There have got to be more sane people on the Right, on the Left and in the Middle, out there somewhere...and if so, perhaps, we all can come together and find a consensus about how to fix our country.  

We should also be able to cry FOUL! And be able to prove why.

I'm not a genius. I'm just an average toad trying to get by.  I have worked hard all my life to do the right thing and do right be others. Sometimes I have FAILED and at other times I have SUCCEEDED.  I have given my career to the Public, in some shape or form; directly or indirectly.  I am a Veteran of the Gulf War.  I believe in patritoism, my country, my brothers and my sisters, even if I don't believe in your version of God.  I am an Agnostic and I am proud. I believe in math, numbers are tangible pieces that prove science actually does exist. I don't think man rode dinosaurs; though if he did, I can't believe I was born this era...what a cruel joke.  I believe in the Right to Bear Arms; I wold belong to the NRA, if I could afford too. I also believe, that I have no clue on how to dictate to a Woman about how she must regulate her vagina. I might as well tell a Chicken how to lay an egg, if I believed I knew better then She did. I like to think that if it were a real democracy here, Health Panels that were about a certain "sexs" health issues, would actually be run by that same sex. That probably should apply to race as well. And here is a novel idea, maybe ones beliefs should also be left to regulate by only those that believe in the exact same thing; like christians should regulate christians, Hindus should regulate Hindus, etc. I mean if you really have to regulate it, even though some same Smaller Government, but that actually means more for you, less for that new breed of Human. I believe or like to think i do, that People should come before Corporate Profits. And if Workers should coem before Share Holders; for with out them you would have nothing to share. I believe people should be able to form Unions; if Corporations can have Lobbyists that regulate their laws, then so should we. I used to like the old cliche "whats good for the goose is good for the gander." I don't think my neighbor should starve, nor should his children. I like to believe public education should have the Defense department Budget and the Defense Department should have the Education Budget. I like public roads, if they would just buy better ones; Im tired of living cheap. I think Jesus, was a Socialist, who was into Public Education. So my, long winded point here, is that I am just some schmoo, who has an opinion.  

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