Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Another small Rant against those that believe in Paul Ryan's Budget...

I, dont know if I should laugh out loud like a lunatic or crumble upon myself and cry like a little girl...what is wrong with our country? how can we believe we are the greatest country in the world; when we demonize the poor, allow children and adults to starve, and turn our backs on our seniors, on those that worked so hard to make this country great and raise us within it?

We are preached to constantly, that this country was founded on Christian principles and that what is wrong today with America, is that we removed GOD from our lives, our schools and our Government. But that party that preachs these things and how they are the great crusaders of christianhood (even their fellow GOP'ers who were raised Hindu have to convert to be in the fold), they go against everything that Jesus stood for in their politics and bills that they introduce. How is anyone foolish enough to keep believing in this? and In these people?

America needs jobs. America needs the Wars to stop; how about we worry about abortion, gun control, and dinosaurs vs monkeys at a later date, and make these people focus on what is really important. Fixing the Tax Code; instead of kicking it down the road. Closing loopholes; instead of kicking it down the road. Ending Corporate Welfare; instead of welfare for the poor. Paying wages that strengthen the Middle Class; so we can buy that crap you import for those stores that you own, the ones that put our parents out of business.

Anyhow...how foolish am I to believe that anyone on the Right, could see beyond Limbaugh and Ryan.


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