Friday, March 1, 2013

Every drop counts; My Nationalism Rant of the week.

Do you want to find an easy way to trim the BUDGET that Congress cant seem to fix?

I am all for helping others in need, in other countries, but right now, we are in need. 

We are in need of better public education, better hospitals, better medical treatments and cheaper costs, better bridges and roads, and all the better jobs that will be created by funding infrastructure repairs in this Country. 

Once we are back, and strong, and our children are not starving or lacking educational means to move up in the world; then by all means, lets help other Nations do it too. 

But right now, bring some of my TAX DOLLARS BACK to AMERICA; Help my Brothers and Sisters first. It may be sort of the, Greatest Good mentality, but How can we help others when we lack the ability too help ourselves? 

I learned long ago, as I would sit for days and hours and ponder upon this, as a Hospital Corpsman in the Persian Gulf War "How can you help others if you get yourself killed by being stupid?"

Lets stop being stupid. Hold these politicians accountable and get them out when they fail to act for the greater good; demand "Progress not Decline."

Want to see exactly how your tax dollars are broken down? 

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