Our fear is allowing us to become a Police State. Its sad
that they have bred us to fear everything and everyone; through this
fear, we line up like sheep and allow these things to happen. Corporate Freedoms are increasing and civil liberties are dying. Our Nation has
been through so many adversities without allowing this to happen, so why
are we allowing this now?
There have been many acts of terror in our Nation and we didnt allow
ourselves to lose so much civil liberties in order to bring about
justice on just a few.
We all should be ashamed. And to those of us, on the LEFT, who stand by
this Administration, because you fear accountability will allow the
RIGHT to seize control once again....you are wrong. If this was the
RIGHT doing this, you would be screaming for JUSTICE and for heads to
roll. We are supposed to be a party of PROGRESS; this is NOT progress.
This is not Social Justice. By allowing this to happen, we are eroding
the core fabric of our ideals that we hold dear to us...and our becoming
like the Extreme Right.
Our Nation, seems to be facing a moment of 'Dark Ages.' Find your voices
once again, take to the streets and protest, write letters to your
Congressman/women, cast the first stone....but dont sit by and just let
this happen.
Find your Path once again America.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Weekly Read List for Sept 30 - Oct 4th
A few articles that have made an appearance within my commentary on FB, and worth a read:
The Complete Sabotage of Our Democracy is no longer just a Conspiracy Theory.
The Complete Sabotage of Our Democracy is no longer just a Conspiracy Theory.
QUICK NOTE: I have been "silently" watching our Nation spin out of control; Silently, by filling my time commenting on News Articles on HuffPo, and blathering like a rapid idiot on Facebook. I should be more engaged, like most Americans should, I believe, trying to provide bigger and longer conversations about hot topics within our Country. Nothing wrong with those quick little paragraphical rants on FB, or the 140 word count "did you hear this, see that..." that Twitter provides. Facebook and Twitter offer abilities that Blogs just cant provide, but seem to lack the ability to dive deeper into the conversation on hand, just because of the expected attention span of the average reader. I understand that there are always Trolls on these Social Media sites, as well as, the Intellectual; both of whom, like to preach on and on, for paragraphs. I fall into the later. Sometimes, it is to be expected that people will chime in this way, but by my observation, more people limit themselves to one paragraph or one or two sentences. I have no concrete evidence of that at all, just an observation. So with that said...on to the topic at hand.The Complete Sabotage of Our Democracy is no longer just a Conspiracy Theory.
The Republican Congress currently, as we all know, is doing everything in its power to destroy or fracture whats left of Middle Class America. They completely shut down our Government because of the ADA and the fear of Tea Party Repercussion; well repercussion from the Koch Brothers for sure, and their money. They even admit to it. “We have to do this because of the Tea Party. If we don’t, these guys are going to get primaried and they are going to lose their primary.” stated Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR). Mitch McConnell is going to ask the Supreme Court to completely do away with Campaign Finance limitations. So here, they sort of admit that Money has become the key factor of why they 'fear' to do the right thing; yet they want to unleash this beast even more. Americas Democracy has fallen, or is falling...falling to the greed and influence of the Oligarchs that are now in control of what used to be our Democracy. At the same time the GOP is being bought out by the Koch Brothers and the Democratic Party seems to be well on its way to be influenced by the Big Bank System here in America. Not only did we see our President, not prosecute any of the top executives that helped collapse the Global economy, but he employed some of them to sit on his Cabinet; example Obama’s chief-of-staff, is former JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive Bill Daley; who replaced Emanuel, who once worked for Goldsman Sachs. Lets not forget to mention that Attorney General Eric Holder, has ties to some of the Big Banks through a top tier Law Firm. Now the President is working behind close doors with some of the Biggest World Corporations Lobbyists on the Trans Pacific Free Trade Agreement:
"in a $500 a night Beverly Hills Hotel, the Obama administration’s U.S. Trade Representative is gathering in secret with negotiators from around the world for a session that could create a whole new set of international trade rules: rules that favor the wealthy 1% of corporate interests...the Trans Pacific Free Trade Agreement (TPP for short) would likely be the largest regional free trade agreement the United States has ever seen. Negotiators want new “NAFTA of the Pacific” set of rules for the global economic highway that could eventually include every Pacific Rim nation from Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan to Australia, Canada, Mexico and Russia. And instead of an open, transparent process the text is completely secret to the public while hundreds of corporate lobbyists from the biggest drug companies, job-killing corporations, major global banks, and agribusiness giants have been registered as “advisors” to the process...Bankers and traders wants to use the Trans-Pacific FTA to roll back new safeguards many nations have passed to get banks and securities firms under control and restore financial stability. They are proposing to lock in the extreme deregulation that led to the devastating financial crisis." - http://www.laprogressive.com/free-trade-agreement/http://www.laprogressive.com/free-trade-agreement/
These are just but a few examples of the ongoing attack against the American People and our Democracy, that we should be fully aware of. So many of us turn blind eyes to the Parties that we believe with must be loyal too, in fear that the other guy may use whatever it is that they are trying to ignore, against them. There was a great article recently posted on the website Activistpost.com by Michael Synder titled World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World that I would recommend reading. Karen Hudes, a Yale educated Lawyer who worked for the Legal Department at the World Bank, became the next Big Whistle Blower, who has largely been ignored by Mainstream Media. This article points out exactly what we are witnessing everyday by the Oligarchy, here in America; through the Global viewpoint by the WB. Karen Hudes contends that the WB's role Globally is:
"[is too] control. They want all of us enslaved to debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the huge financial contributions that they funnel into their campaigns. Since the elite also own all of the big media companies, the mainstream media never lets us in on the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way that our system works."
Something I think most of us can all ready agree on. The 'Will' to dominate is a plaque and seems to be inherent in us, as a species. Greed has become the key denominator in all these equations. And we have allowed money to dominate our electoral process, our justice system, our health care system, our educational system, and we have done little to rebel strongly enough to get money out of the central core of these issues. Take for instance our politicians on either side of the aisle, have yet to be willing to support a repeal or constitutional amendment to make Citizens United obsolete.
We must stop being so quiet about the effects of money in our Political system, if we are ever to regain control of this Democracy...and some of us need to stop ignoring that this is the major plague that is causing the desparities that we see, daily, all around us.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Lifting the veil on we use credit when we cant afford it?
My comment to Huffington Posts Article by Mark Gongloff titled Household Debt Is Still Too Damn High.
Without jobs, without good paying jobs, or for those of us that are unemployed, we use what little we can manage to find, to scrap up, or to borrow. Those Americans that are using credit and going farther in debt are people trying feed themselves, their spouses and their children. To keep a roof over their heads, their spouses and their children; the scary part is soon, the credit will stop for those as their balances bloom and interest and interests rates soar...and then what?
So many communities in America suffer under this plague. As they keep all of us Middle Class, Working Class Poor and the Poor at each others throats, fighting over abortions and gun control laws, instead of fighting against the Profiteering Banks, Wall Street and their Cronies on the Left and the Right in our Government.
I hope one day soon, we all will be able to wake up and see thorough the smoke and the wool that has been pulled over our eyes, to change this road we are on...a road to servitude and debtors prisons. I didnt join the Military in my youth for this kind of history and future...this is not the America I grew up believing in.
Perhaps soon the tide will turn and those spirits that have been broken within our fellow men and women, will find the strength to right our wrongs and remove all the money from politics; those that have been bought, those that serve only their greed...”
Without jobs, without good paying jobs, or for those of us that are unemployed, we use what little we can manage to find, to scrap up, or to borrow. Those Americans that are using credit and going farther in debt are people trying feed themselves, their spouses and their children. To keep a roof over their heads, their spouses and their children; the scary part is soon, the credit will stop for those as their balances bloom and interest and interests rates soar...and then what?
So many communities in America suffer under this plague. As they keep all of us Middle Class, Working Class Poor and the Poor at each others throats, fighting over abortions and gun control laws, instead of fighting against the Profiteering Banks, Wall Street and their Cronies on the Left and the Right in our Government.
I hope one day soon, we all will be able to wake up and see thorough the smoke and the wool that has been pulled over our eyes, to change this road we are on...a road to servitude and debtors prisons. I didnt join the Military in my youth for this kind of history and future...this is not the America I grew up believing in.
Perhaps soon the tide will turn and those spirits that have been broken within our fellow men and women, will find the strength to right our wrongs and remove all the money from politics; those that have been bought, those that serve only their greed...”
American Debt,
common ground,
Credit usage,
Debt Accumulation,
Divided we fall,
Household debt,
Poor Americans,
Tea Party
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Dear Mr. Manning, an apology that you deserve.
Dear Mr. Manning,
It is I who would like to apologize to you. Im sorry. I am sorry that more people in America did not have the courage to stand with you and behind you. For these wars were created on lies only to perpetuate our War Machine and the Greed of the 1% and their Cronies. I am sorry that more of us Veterans did not find the courage to do so either. I served in combat during the Persian Gulf War. I am sorry that our politics of interference and destabilization techniques towards Middle Eastern Countries put you and your brother and sisters at harm, yet again, causing you to take this enormous risk to stand behind the the 'real' values that America likes to say she believes in; even though we are a "Do as I say, not as I do" Country.
You stood up for the real values of human life and we turned our backs on you...especially those of us on the Left. For its not so hard to understand why those on the Right fall in tow behind the Puppet Masters. But for those of us on the Left, we should all be ashamed that we did not take to the streets and scream at Washington for the actions that they are involved in, and in your defense.
My apologizes to you, and your family. Eternally grateful to you and ashamed of what we did not do for you.
It is I who would like to apologize to you. Im sorry. I am sorry that more people in America did not have the courage to stand with you and behind you. For these wars were created on lies only to perpetuate our War Machine and the Greed of the 1% and their Cronies. I am sorry that more of us Veterans did not find the courage to do so either. I served in combat during the Persian Gulf War. I am sorry that our politics of interference and destabilization techniques towards Middle Eastern Countries put you and your brother and sisters at harm, yet again, causing you to take this enormous risk to stand behind the the 'real' values that America likes to say she believes in; even though we are a "Do as I say, not as I do" Country.
You stood up for the real values of human life and we turned our backs on you...especially those of us on the Left. For its not so hard to understand why those on the Right fall in tow behind the Puppet Masters. But for those of us on the Left, we should all be ashamed that we did not take to the streets and scream at Washington for the actions that they are involved in, and in your defense.
My apologizes to you, and your family. Eternally grateful to you and ashamed of what we did not do for you.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Hawthorne Police shoot dog; because they can.
"be patient as police investigate the shooting..." - Hollow words from Police Departments all around our Nation.
I purpose a new oversight body for our Police in the United States, one made up of "average" citizens. Something like jury duty. Facts are presented from both sides and its up to us, the Citizens, to determine the fate of those that work off our tax dollars. Time and time again, in Chicago, where I called home for many, many years, we would hear these words "be patient as police investigate..." and nothing would happen to the officer(s).
Police brutality is running rampant like desert fires in this Country. Its for a change, its time for real accountability. Police policing Police is one of the purest forms of hypocrisy. Only when there is enough public pressure, media attention, do officers become accountable. Until then, they may just get chewed out for their actions, more likely for getting caught.
Anyone remember the Cop beating the Female bartender and how they (police) tried to justify it? What about the Protestor in Oakland who got nailed with a grenade in the head? What about the UC Davis College Protestors being sprayed with pepper spray for non-violent acts? Or the Famous Rodney King tape? or..and...what about...how the list continues to grow almost daily in this country.
When do we say enough is enough and take our Country and our Civil rights back?
I purpose a new oversight body for our Police in the United States, one made up of "average" citizens. Something like jury duty. Facts are presented from both sides and its up to us, the Citizens, to determine the fate of those that work off our tax dollars. Time and time again, in Chicago, where I called home for many, many years, we would hear these words "be patient as police investigate..." and nothing would happen to the officer(s).
Police brutality is running rampant like desert fires in this Country. Its for a change, its time for real accountability. Police policing Police is one of the purest forms of hypocrisy. Only when there is enough public pressure, media attention, do officers become accountable. Until then, they may just get chewed out for their actions, more likely for getting caught.
Anyone remember the Cop beating the Female bartender and how they (police) tried to justify it? What about the Protestor in Oakland who got nailed with a grenade in the head? What about the UC Davis College Protestors being sprayed with pepper spray for non-violent acts? Or the Famous Rodney King tape? or..and...what about...how the list continues to grow almost daily in this country.
When do we say enough is enough and take our Country and our Civil rights back?
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Media Control; who owns what...
After a small debate on HuffPo, a place where I go to 'troll' my Democratic Socialist beliefs, I decided that I should post this link. It is a link from FreePress that shows where the ownership is and in what format. It seems there are a lot of people, who dont understand the throttle Corporate ownership has taken over or media. So hopefully this will give anyone of us, a link (if you dont already have this bookmarked as a resource) to provide those naysayers, who believe that there is no propaganda machine at work here.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Biggest Traitors to Democracy...
response to those that say Snowden, and Manning are the worst TRAITOR there are: I think, We, the American People, our the worst Traitors
there are...For we have allowed our Democracy to be taken over by those
that only serve their interest, the interest of the elite and wealthy.
America, was to be a shinning beacon of hope in a New World...yet here we are, a Country who is a bully... A Country who turns its backs on its poor and homeless and creates hostility to those less fortunate. A Country that fuels suspicion and angst towards one another. A Country that interferes with our Nations at a whim; just for our own Military Industrial complex can sell their toys. A Country that says there is religious freedoms upon its soil; as Christian Values are shoved down the throats of its people. A Country where you are supposed to be free; yet personal lives are more regulated then Wall Street, Oil Companies and Waste Management Services. A Country that believes it has the RIGHT to bomb innocent men, women and children in Sovereign Nations; just to try to kill one 'terrorist.' A Country where there are two sets of law; one for the poor and one for the Affluent. A Country that puts the wealth of the 1% above education, medical care and all those "Christian Values" they shove down OUR throats as they eat caviar as children starve. A Country that has abandoned "We the People for the People..." for an Oligarchy Reich.
SO who is actually harming America and American values and should be looked at as the worst kind of traitor? Bradly Manning? Edward Snowden? - No; it is "We the People," who should be held accountable for being the biggest TRAITORS to Democracy. We have allowed this Country to become a Tyrant to its People, and to the World.
America, was to be a shinning beacon of hope in a New World...yet here we are, a Country who is a bully... A Country who turns its backs on its poor and homeless and creates hostility to those less fortunate. A Country that fuels suspicion and angst towards one another. A Country that interferes with our Nations at a whim; just for our own Military Industrial complex can sell their toys. A Country that says there is religious freedoms upon its soil; as Christian Values are shoved down the throats of its people. A Country where you are supposed to be free; yet personal lives are more regulated then Wall Street, Oil Companies and Waste Management Services. A Country that believes it has the RIGHT to bomb innocent men, women and children in Sovereign Nations; just to try to kill one 'terrorist.' A Country where there are two sets of law; one for the poor and one for the Affluent. A Country that puts the wealth of the 1% above education, medical care and all those "Christian Values" they shove down OUR throats as they eat caviar as children starve. A Country that has abandoned "We the People for the People..." for an Oligarchy Reich.
SO who is actually harming America and American values and should be looked at as the worst kind of traitor? Bradly Manning? Edward Snowden? - No; it is "We the People," who should be held accountable for being the biggest TRAITORS to Democracy. We have allowed this Country to become a Tyrant to its People, and to the World.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Quote of the Day. 6.18.2013 - Edward Snowden
"Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest
honor you can give an American, and the more panicked talk we hear from
people like him ... the better off we all are." - Edward Snowden; NSA
Democratic Socialist,
Edward Snowden,
NSA leaks,
quote of the day,
Socialist quote,
Tea Party,
Whistle Blower
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Fear becomes us; Government response is we cant keep you safe unless we take away.
Talk about a speech to insight FEAR among us. We cant PROTECT you UNLESS we STRIPE you of some of your PERSONAL FREEDOMS...
Im worried how easily we are falling for this line of BS in this country. Terrorism, Terrorists, are part of everyday life in most BIG CITIES in America. But all of a sudden we need to lose freedoms for our Government Agencies to do their jobs efficiently.
Now for those of you who will say or question that people in Big Cities, and in smaller ones and rural America too, are NOT living with Terrorism in their lives everyday...what do you think the GANGs are? They do random acts of violence, hold hostages, sell drugs, blow up cars, shoot innocent people, etc. I think this by definition is terrorism. I havent seen anything out of our Government that would justify listening in on EVERYONE in order to catch a few; or has our CIA, FBI, etc, become inferior and incompetent that they can no longer trace or track those people on known terror lists? I mean we let the 9/11 hijacker have VISA's into our country. They were on WATCH lists. We, our government ALLOWED them into our borders. They were not American citizens trying to do this. So now, all of a sudden we have to listen to everyone to follow just a few...for shame that we find this acceptable.
Im worried how easily we are falling for this line of BS in this country. Terrorism, Terrorists, are part of everyday life in most BIG CITIES in America. But all of a sudden we need to lose freedoms for our Government Agencies to do their jobs efficiently.
Now for those of you who will say or question that people in Big Cities, and in smaller ones and rural America too, are NOT living with Terrorism in their lives everyday...what do you think the GANGs are? They do random acts of violence, hold hostages, sell drugs, blow up cars, shoot innocent people, etc. I think this by definition is terrorism. I havent seen anything out of our Government that would justify listening in on EVERYONE in order to catch a few; or has our CIA, FBI, etc, become inferior and incompetent that they can no longer trace or track those people on known terror lists? I mean we let the 9/11 hijacker have VISA's into our country. They were on WATCH lists. We, our government ALLOWED them into our borders. They were not American citizens trying to do this. So now, all of a sudden we have to listen to everyone to follow just a few...for shame that we find this acceptable.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Where is our wake up call???
Democratic Socialist,
political Progressive,
Tax Dollars,
Tea Baggers,
Tea Party,
White House,
Wire tapping
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Another small Rant against those that believe in Paul Ryan's Budget...
I, dont know if I should laugh out loud like a
lunatic or crumble upon myself and cry like a little girl...what is
wrong with our country? how can we believe we are the greatest country
in the world; when we demonize the poor, allow children and adults to
starve, and turn our backs on our seniors, on those that worked so hard
to make this country great and raise us within it?
We are preached to constantly, that this country was founded on Christian principles and that what is wrong today with America, is that we removed GOD from our lives, our schools and our Government. But that party that preachs these things and how they are the great crusaders of christianhood (even their fellow GOP'ers who were raised Hindu have to convert to be in the fold), they go against everything that Jesus stood for in their politics and bills that they introduce. How is anyone foolish enough to keep believing in this? and In these people?
America needs jobs. America needs the Wars to stop; how about we worry about abortion, gun control, and dinosaurs vs monkeys at a later date, and make these people focus on what is really important. Fixing the Tax Code; instead of kicking it down the road. Closing loopholes; instead of kicking it down the road. Ending Corporate Welfare; instead of welfare for the poor. Paying wages that strengthen the Middle Class; so we can buy that crap you import for those stores that you own, the ones that put our parents out of business.
Anyhow...how foolish am I to believe that anyone on the Right, could see beyond Limbaugh and Ryan.
We are preached to constantly, that this country was founded on Christian principles and that what is wrong today with America, is that we removed GOD from our lives, our schools and our Government. But that party that preachs these things and how they are the great crusaders of christianhood (even their fellow GOP'ers who were raised Hindu have to convert to be in the fold), they go against everything that Jesus stood for in their politics and bills that they introduce. How is anyone foolish enough to keep believing in this? and In these people?
America needs jobs. America needs the Wars to stop; how about we worry about abortion, gun control, and dinosaurs vs monkeys at a later date, and make these people focus on what is really important. Fixing the Tax Code; instead of kicking it down the road. Closing loopholes; instead of kicking it down the road. Ending Corporate Welfare; instead of welfare for the poor. Paying wages that strengthen the Middle Class; so we can buy that crap you import for those stores that you own, the ones that put our parents out of business.
Anyhow...how foolish am I to believe that anyone on the Right, could see beyond Limbaugh and Ryan.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Find Social (in)Justice on FACEBOOK.
For a Daily Dose of Social (in)Justice topics find us on FACEBOOK @ http://www.facebook.com/unjustsociety.
Become part of the conversation, lets find middle grounds and real solutions. Lets talk about the problems we face today, yesterday and tomorrow; here at home, and overseas.
There have got to be more sane people on the Right, on the Left and in the Middle, out there somewhere...and if so, perhaps, we all can come together and find a consensus about how to fix our country.
We should also be able to cry FOUL! And be able to prove why.
I'm not a genius. I'm just an average toad trying to get by. I have worked hard all my life to do the right thing and do right be others. Sometimes I have FAILED and at other times I have SUCCEEDED. I have given my career to the Public, in some shape or form; directly or indirectly. I am a Veteran of the Gulf War. I believe in patritoism, my country, my brothers and my sisters, even if I don't believe in your version of God. I am an Agnostic and I am proud. I believe in math, numbers are tangible pieces that prove science actually does exist. I don't think man rode dinosaurs; though if he did, I can't believe I was born this era...what a cruel joke. I believe in the Right to Bear Arms; I wold belong to the NRA, if I could afford too. I also believe, that I have no clue on how to dictate to a Woman about how she must regulate her vagina. I might as well tell a Chicken how to lay an egg, if I believed I knew better then She did. I like to think that if it were a real democracy here, Health Panels that were about a certain "sexs" health issues, would actually be run by that same sex. That probably should apply to race as well. And here is a novel idea, maybe ones beliefs should also be left to regulate by only those that believe in the exact same thing; like christians should regulate christians, Hindus should regulate Hindus, etc. I mean if you really have to regulate it, even though some same Smaller Government, but that actually means more for you, less for that new breed of Human. I believe or like to think i do, that People should come before Corporate Profits. And if Workers should coem before Share Holders; for with out them you would have nothing to share. I believe people should be able to form Unions; if Corporations can have Lobbyists that regulate their laws, then so should we. I used to like the old cliche "whats good for the goose is good for the gander." I don't think my neighbor should starve, nor should his children. I like to believe public education should have the Defense department Budget and the Defense Department should have the Education Budget. I like public roads, if they would just buy better ones; Im tired of living cheap. I think Jesus, was a Socialist, who was into Public Education. So my, long winded point here, is that I am just some schmoo, who has an opinion.
Become part of the conversation, lets find middle grounds and real solutions. Lets talk about the problems we face today, yesterday and tomorrow; here at home, and overseas.
There have got to be more sane people on the Right, on the Left and in the Middle, out there somewhere...and if so, perhaps, we all can come together and find a consensus about how to fix our country.
We should also be able to cry FOUL! And be able to prove why.
I'm not a genius. I'm just an average toad trying to get by. I have worked hard all my life to do the right thing and do right be others. Sometimes I have FAILED and at other times I have SUCCEEDED. I have given my career to the Public, in some shape or form; directly or indirectly. I am a Veteran of the Gulf War. I believe in patritoism, my country, my brothers and my sisters, even if I don't believe in your version of God. I am an Agnostic and I am proud. I believe in math, numbers are tangible pieces that prove science actually does exist. I don't think man rode dinosaurs; though if he did, I can't believe I was born this era...what a cruel joke. I believe in the Right to Bear Arms; I wold belong to the NRA, if I could afford too. I also believe, that I have no clue on how to dictate to a Woman about how she must regulate her vagina. I might as well tell a Chicken how to lay an egg, if I believed I knew better then She did. I like to think that if it were a real democracy here, Health Panels that were about a certain "sexs" health issues, would actually be run by that same sex. That probably should apply to race as well. And here is a novel idea, maybe ones beliefs should also be left to regulate by only those that believe in the exact same thing; like christians should regulate christians, Hindus should regulate Hindus, etc. I mean if you really have to regulate it, even though some same Smaller Government, but that actually means more for you, less for that new breed of Human. I believe or like to think i do, that People should come before Corporate Profits. And if Workers should coem before Share Holders; for with out them you would have nothing to share. I believe people should be able to form Unions; if Corporations can have Lobbyists that regulate their laws, then so should we. I used to like the old cliche "whats good for the goose is good for the gander." I don't think my neighbor should starve, nor should his children. I like to believe public education should have the Defense department Budget and the Defense Department should have the Education Budget. I like public roads, if they would just buy better ones; Im tired of living cheap. I think Jesus, was a Socialist, who was into Public Education. So my, long winded point here, is that I am just some schmoo, who has an opinion.
Every drop counts; My Nationalism Rant of the week.
Do you want to find an easy way to trim the BUDGET that Congress cant seem to fix?
I am all for helping others in need, in other countries, but right now, we are in need.
We are in need of better public education, better hospitals, better medical treatments and cheaper costs, better bridges and roads, and all the better jobs that will be created by funding infrastructure repairs in this Country.
Once we are back, and strong, and our children are not starving or lacking educational means to move up in the world; then by all means, lets help other Nations do it too.
But right now, bring some of my TAX DOLLARS BACK to AMERICA; Help my Brothers and Sisters first. It may be sort of the, Greatest Good mentality, but How can we help others when we lack the ability too help ourselves?
I learned long ago, as I would sit for days and hours and ponder upon this, as a Hospital Corpsman in the Persian Gulf War "How can you help others if you get yourself killed by being stupid?"
Lets stop being stupid. Hold these politicians accountable and get them out when they fail to act for the greater good; demand "Progress not Decline."
Want to see exactly how your tax dollars are broken down?
I am all for helping others in need, in other countries, but right now, we are in need.
We are in need of better public education, better hospitals, better medical treatments and cheaper costs, better bridges and roads, and all the better jobs that will be created by funding infrastructure repairs in this Country.
Once we are back, and strong, and our children are not starving or lacking educational means to move up in the world; then by all means, lets help other Nations do it too.
But right now, bring some of my TAX DOLLARS BACK to AMERICA; Help my Brothers and Sisters first. It may be sort of the, Greatest Good mentality, but How can we help others when we lack the ability too help ourselves?
I learned long ago, as I would sit for days and hours and ponder upon this, as a Hospital Corpsman in the Persian Gulf War "How can you help others if you get yourself killed by being stupid?"
Lets stop being stupid. Hold these politicians accountable and get them out when they fail to act for the greater good; demand "Progress not Decline."
Want to see exactly how your tax dollars are broken down?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
This Ariticle needs to go VIRAL. I dare any Democrat to dispute this...
First, I want to say with deep humility, I bow down, give out kudos too, applaud, Benny Johnson @ BuzzFeed. This is just brilliant.
I have been jumping up and down, and yelling at the television, the news papers at News Paper Stands, at all my Democrat friends and Associates in Real Life and on FB, the Trolls and the Liberals on HuffPo, about this exact same thing.
Democrats would have had a field day screaming at President Bush, if he did anything like this...well where is your anger now; where are your voices for Social Justice, Civil and Basic Human Rights and dignities; where is your empathy for the innocent?
Democrats screamed for 8 yrs, during the Reign of the Dubya, that Republicans should hold their President accountable for all the Humanitarian violations, broken promises, lies, Covert Ops, etc...now, you are silent. Like Sheep, who just realized why they were in line at the Wool Factory.
This is an ARTISTICALLY, FANTASTIC, POLITICAL COMMENTARY and THIS SHOULD GO VIRAL. All Parties and those in-between should make this go viral: http://www.buzzfeed.com/bennyjohnson/things-democrats-would-have-freaked-out-about-if-bush-had-do
I have been jumping up and down, and yelling at the television, the news papers at News Paper Stands, at all my Democrat friends and Associates in Real Life and on FB, the Trolls and the Liberals on HuffPo, about this exact same thing.
Democrats would have had a field day screaming at President Bush, if he did anything like this...well where is your anger now; where are your voices for Social Justice, Civil and Basic Human Rights and dignities; where is your empathy for the innocent?
Democrats screamed for 8 yrs, during the Reign of the Dubya, that Republicans should hold their President accountable for all the Humanitarian violations, broken promises, lies, Covert Ops, etc...now, you are silent. Like Sheep, who just realized why they were in line at the Wool Factory.
This is an ARTISTICALLY, FANTASTIC, POLITICAL COMMENTARY and THIS SHOULD GO VIRAL. All Parties and those in-between should make this go viral: http://www.buzzfeed.com/bennyjohnson/things-democrats-would-have-freaked-out-about-if-bush-had-do
Your LOOP HOLES are actually ENTITLEMENTS; it shows in your behavior...
Seems to me, that if the GOP is so adamant that no LOOP HOLES should be touched, as part of any deal with the Obama Administration, and that only ENTITLEMENT programs should be touched, perhaps we need to truly look at the definition and structure given to these terms. For it appears, to me...that these PRECIOUS LOOPHOLES are ACTALLY, in fact, ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS.
You GOP'ers some how feel that Corporate America and the 1%, are ENTITLED to HAVE these LOOPHOLES.
Whats that old cliche' "if it smells like bullshit, if it looks like bullshit and if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth...then its probably, BULLSHIT."
I'm so tired of wading threw the propaganda on both sides of the Aisle, here in America, but I am especially tired of this BULLSHIT that the GOP keeps trying to SPOON FEED US.
Trickle Down Economy does not work...it just makes those with the damns get bigger damns, better and cleaner water supply for themselves.
You GOP'ers some how feel that Corporate America and the 1%, are ENTITLED to HAVE these LOOPHOLES.
Whats that old cliche' "if it smells like bullshit, if it looks like bullshit and if it leaves a bad taste in your mouth...then its probably, BULLSHIT."
I'm so tired of wading threw the propaganda on both sides of the Aisle, here in America, but I am especially tired of this BULLSHIT that the GOP keeps trying to SPOON FEED US.
Trickle Down Economy does not work...it just makes those with the damns get bigger damns, better and cleaner water supply for themselves.
Corporate America,
Corporate Greed,
Corporate Welfare,
Democratic Socialist,
Loop Holes,
political sarcasm,
Rich Welfare,
Tea Party,
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Rubio..oh...Rubio; How you shamed him so!
"Not tough enough on Border Security..." - states Rubio, in reply to President Obama's Immigration plan that was leaked. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/16/rubio-immigration-reform_n_2703722.html
"The bill calls for an "unspecified increase" (in my experience this usually means "oodles and oodles and oodles"; when the government says it) in the Border Patrol, allows the Department of Homeland Security to expand technological improvements (more then likely...CODE WORDS for DRONES) along the border and adds 140 new immigration judges to process the heavy flow of people who violate immigration laws.
WOW!!! Ya, thats not tough enough...President Obama forgot to put any mention of using landmines and napalm to help secure the Border; much favored by the Extreme Right...er..Rubio.
THIS NEXT PART,.... Mr. Rubio, means you can donate a TANK if you want, and they will USE IT! Hows that for not be tough?! ----> "The draft bill proposes a new plan to allow Homeland Security to "accept donations" from citizens, businesses and local and state governments to improve ports of entry and security features along the border."
WHY NOT...DONATE, all those High Capacity Clips, you and your party loves so much to help secure America? Come on now? You all keep saying we should have a Smaller Government and that Charities can do the rest; so put your money where your mouth is...support this bill, and then give and give, till you bleed, guns and ammo, tanks and helicopters, to the Border Patrol so they can secure America.
to take a look where the info was cited from...click here ---> http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/02/16/obama-immigration-bill/1925017/
"The bill calls for an "unspecified increase" (in my experience this usually means "oodles and oodles and oodles"; when the government says it) in the Border Patrol, allows the Department of Homeland Security to expand technological improvements (more then likely...CODE WORDS for DRONES) along the border and adds 140 new immigration judges to process the heavy flow of people who violate immigration laws.
WOW!!! Ya, thats not tough enough...President Obama forgot to put any mention of using landmines and napalm to help secure the Border; much favored by the Extreme Right...er..Rubio.
THIS NEXT PART,.... Mr. Rubio, means you can donate a TANK if you want, and they will USE IT! Hows that for not be tough?! ----> "The draft bill proposes a new plan to allow Homeland Security to "accept donations" from citizens, businesses and local and state governments to improve ports of entry and security features along the border."
WHY NOT...DONATE, all those High Capacity Clips, you and your party loves so much to help secure America? Come on now? You all keep saying we should have a Smaller Government and that Charities can do the rest; so put your money where your mouth is...support this bill, and then give and give, till you bleed, guns and ammo, tanks and helicopters, to the Border Patrol so they can secure America.
to take a look where the info was cited from...click here ---> http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/02/16/obama-immigration-bill/1925017/
Democratic Socialist,
Immigration Reform,
Marco Rubio,
political sarcasm,
President Obama,
Senator Rubio,
Tea Party
Thursday, February 14, 2013
"There are district attorneys and United States attorneys out there
every day squeezing ordinary citizens on sometimes very thin grounds and
taking them to trial in order to make an example, as they put it. I'm
really concerned that 'too big to fail' has become 'too big for trial,'" Elizabeth Warren; at her first Bank Committee Hearing. - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/14/elizabeth-warren-bank-regulators_n_2688998.html
I like her spirit. I like what I see from her. I only hope she will actually to some good. I believe she will slowly get engulfed by the biogelatinous glob that controls Washington.
Her question and reasoning is simple. Her statements ring with truth. Average Joe's are made "examples of" by our Judicial System, in every State and County within our Nation, every day. how come those that broke the law are sheltered; this is almost as bad as the Catholic Church being allowed to shelter Child Abusers. How come we are not doing something about this?
Anyhow...Go Elizabeth! You truly are a small candle of hope that sits near the cup of justice.
I like her spirit. I like what I see from her. I only hope she will actually to some good. I believe she will slowly get engulfed by the biogelatinous glob that controls Washington.
Her question and reasoning is simple. Her statements ring with truth. Average Joe's are made "examples of" by our Judicial System, in every State and County within our Nation, every day. how come those that broke the law are sheltered; this is almost as bad as the Catholic Church being allowed to shelter Child Abusers. How come we are not doing something about this?
Anyhow...Go Elizabeth! You truly are a small candle of hope that sits near the cup of justice.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
"For example, there are other countries that are polluting in the
atmosphere much greater than we are at this point -- China, India, all
these countries that are still growing. They’re not going to stop doing
what they’re doing." - Marc Rubio; in Response to President Obama's SOTU remark on Global Warming.
So what the hell, when in Rome right???
True Leaders, good leaders, tend to inspire by "leading." Whats the old cliche'? Lead by....lead by... Oh! Example. Thats right, one should LEAD by EXAMPLE.
I personally believe at this point, who cares if it is "Man Made" or "Natural." Something is happening, and we better stop bickering and prepare ourselves, our Nations, and our infrastructures, to meet whatever it is to come.
To keep ignoring the "BASIC" and "SIMPLE" facts is pathetic. What are the "simple" and "basic" facts? Here they are: 1) We are in the Hottest and Driest years recorded in History, 2) Storms are growing bigger and fiercer, 3) Summer and winter months seem to be changing.
And if we can do anyhting to stem the tide, then lets do so. If it means, changing what we pump into the air...then why shouldnt we do that? Even if it only helps to reduce it by 2%, lets see...insert another old cliche' here....EVERY DROP COUNTS.
Anyhow, the point of the quote is to rant about what a pathetic reason that is, and how pathetic that that kind of leadership is what is popular on the Right. That "Holier then thou" mentality is just simple Un-American, Weak minded and arrogant. I'm sure our Forefathers are not proud of us. We, once were the Greatest Nation on Earth, for we led by example, and other Countries looked up at us...now they mock us, point fingers and laugh.
Its time, we change.
So what the hell, when in Rome right???
True Leaders, good leaders, tend to inspire by "leading." Whats the old cliche'? Lead by....lead by... Oh! Example. Thats right, one should LEAD by EXAMPLE.
I personally believe at this point, who cares if it is "Man Made" or "Natural." Something is happening, and we better stop bickering and prepare ourselves, our Nations, and our infrastructures, to meet whatever it is to come.
To keep ignoring the "BASIC" and "SIMPLE" facts is pathetic. What are the "simple" and "basic" facts? Here they are: 1) We are in the Hottest and Driest years recorded in History, 2) Storms are growing bigger and fiercer, 3) Summer and winter months seem to be changing.
And if we can do anyhting to stem the tide, then lets do so. If it means, changing what we pump into the air...then why shouldnt we do that? Even if it only helps to reduce it by 2%, lets see...insert another old cliche' here....EVERY DROP COUNTS.
Anyhow, the point of the quote is to rant about what a pathetic reason that is, and how pathetic that that kind of leadership is what is popular on the Right. That "Holier then thou" mentality is just simple Un-American, Weak minded and arrogant. I'm sure our Forefathers are not proud of us. We, once were the Greatest Nation on Earth, for we led by example, and other Countries looked up at us...now they mock us, point fingers and laugh.
Its time, we change.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Quote of the Night; Mark Rubio's Response to the SOTU.
"I don’t oppose your plans because I want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors." --Marco Rubio's GOP response; you know his Neighbors in that Double-Wide Mansion.
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